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Monday 27 February 2012

To Have or Not to Have-An Attitude! That's not the Question!

The update for the last week from the Blue Caramel offices in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur have more of qualitative enhancements rather than any quantitative increments. There have been no joy on the revenue front though Manish has persevered in Jodhpur and Suheil has opened and is following up the Royal Wedding segment.

 The "Siesta" discussions have sprung up new and interesting topics for discussion and a real good topic was initiated by Mehul, who rejoined work today after "a fling with his heart" in Ahmedabad. The topic was "Attitude". For a long time at the Udaipur office, during the course of the discussion, it was inferred that to have an Attitude was derogatory for the person who had it. But gradually, it was realized that Attitude is something that is inherent in every person and that these are conditioned over a period of time through experiences.

 So, to have an Attitude or not to have an Attitude is never really a question because every person has it. The real question is how to channelize, focus and reinforce one's positive attitude for the betterment, not only of the individual but also of everyone associated with him. It was also deliberated that in an organization, it is better to have an Attitude that is professional in nature, because all modern organizations, it was at the end agreed, believe in the principle of subjugation of individual goals to the overall Company goals, albeit with full employee emancipation.

Companies are always in the look out for SMART people and in this word the letter that comes right in the middle and is the heart of the word is A which signifies Attitude. So, a person who does not have the requisite positive attitude in him will over a period of time become a deadwood for the company because what good would be a Smart person, whose heart is not in the right place???

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